You deserve to feel seen, heard, and held.

I create safe spaces for women to connect, ground, and find their soul’s true essence.

Kristin VanGundy Life Coach, Retreat Host, Speaker

Connect deeply to your intuition. Discover yourself.

  • Women's Coaching

    Intuitive Essence Coach

    Finding yourself and understanding your essence is the cornerstone of a transformative life. Through coaching, I help women explore that part of themselves and begin to live their most authentic lives. By embracing who you are as you are, we can become empowered, creative, and ultimately free in every aspect of our lives.

  • Retreat Host

    Retreat Host

    As a wise lightworker, I love creating beautiful intimate atmospheres full of love and comfort for women to come as they are and experience being filled up with love and light.

  • Speaking from Spirit

    I love speaking, it is my lifeblood. When I am speaking and writing, my focus is on what the audience needs and receives. I let go of my ego and write from a place that is deep within me and comes from my spirit.

Supporting women of all ages and backgrounds across the nation.

Camp Climb Iowa Public Speaker
Mothers of Preschoolers Speaker
Chrysalis Public Speaker
Murphy harpst life and hope for children camp facilitator

I welcome all. All spiritual backgrounds and faiths are welcome here because it’s all love.

β€œThe way she listens and slows women down to connect with themselves brings out answers and clarity that you may have been searching for, for a very long time.

Being in Kristin's presence feels like anything is possible. She will be your biggest cheerleader and stand for you to really become the woman you are meant to be.”

Morgan Northway, Coach

Morgan Northway

Get to know Kristin…



Nines are defined by a desire to live in peaceful harmony with their environment.

Human Design

Manifesting Generator

Manifesting Generators are here to find the right work. They are here to build, make, create, and love doing it.

Zodiac Sign


Marked by an open mind and inquiring intellect, Aquarians make some of the most original and far-thinking individuals.

Your soul is calling you, your energy is ready.

Let’s connect and begin.

Kristin VanGundy Life Coach, Retreat Host, Speaker

You may have heard me speak on…

Experience joy regularly from everyday life and become one with the divine.

Develop a deeper sense of who you are.

My clients seek me out because they want to find what their soul is yearning for and once we uncover that, we work together in creating goals and a plan to grow forward.